Thursday, February 7, 2008


Finally, that golden orb decided to pay us a visit. The clouds are
forecast to return in the afternoon, so we'll be getting our asses out
of bed a bit earlier this morning. Turns out that snorkeling wins out
over lying in bed reading a book next to your honey, sharing a box of
Chocolate Chex cereal. (I think Cindy alternates between "It's kind of
healthy: 'Only 8 Grams of Sugar', to "Fuck it, I'm on vacation!"
Myself: another guiltless pleasure! The crumbs in the bed, not so much.)

Once again, please excuse the lousy quality of the pic (the view from
our kitchenette). The iPhone is a wondrous gadget, but it's not known
for it's camera feature. Just wanted to capture some sunny skies and
send them home to Ashland. I'm really not trying to make you envious.
Who am I kidding! Of course I am.

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